“Mosque Alert” Presentation Survey

Those of us who attended last Thursday’s Community Forum were privileged to watch a thought-provoking video presentation and join in a fascinating follow-up discussion (sadly abbreviated due to the lateness of the hour) about some of the issues raised.

Most of us took away a paper inviting us to take a quick online survey to share our feedback with the creators of the piece.  Maybe you’ve already done the survey.  In case you haven’t, let me share the following note from Malik Gillani, Silk Road Rising‘s Executive Director:

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Mosque Alert Presentation Survey

Silk Road Rising invites your feedback on the presentation you attended today. Your responses will help us to assess our work and will be extremely helpful in guiding our thinking about future programs. Your answers are anonymous and confidential.  To take the survey, visit:



Our art does not exist in a vacuum; how our work is received among our audiences and communities is incredibly important to us. We also hope that just taking this survey will help our patrons think further about the issues presented in our work.

Providing feedback to us after attending our presentation serves as an additional opportunity for you to reflect, ponder, question, and critique. We encourage all audience members to take a few minutes to think about what you saw and the conversation we had; then communicate your feedback through this survey.

Your opinion matters dearly to us, and with only a handful of surveys being distributed, every response counts!

Please visit http://bit.ly/MosqueAlertSurvey to complete the survey.

Thank you so much for your participation!