Cohn: Obamacare’s New Paperwork Is Simpler than Private Insurers’

Good stuff from Jonathan Cohn again.  Read the full post.  Here are what seem to me to be the crucial...

Obamacare Making Lives Better

Jonathan Cohn observes some recent fretting about “what happens next year, when [Obamacare] starts making insurance coverage available to nearly...

House GOP: “Gotta nuke SOMETHING!”

Two years ago the House GOP took the US/world economy hostage and threatened to refuse to raise the debt ceiling...

Sequester Damage More Evident, GOP Spins Off Into Conspiracy Theories

Now that the sequester cuts are starting to affect people the Republicans care about, they’re being forced to take notice....

Chait: Yes, George W. Bush Was a Terrible President, and No, He Wasn’t Smart

I’ve been more than a little astonished of late at the return of George W Bush to the stage.  Apparently...

Gun Background Check Failure Further Proof of GOP Radicalization

Greg Sargent summarizes the argument: Yup: Radicalized GOP is what killed expanded background checks As I noted this morning, the primary...

Quinn at the Finn! NTDO Fundraiser

Governor Pat Quinn will be the Guest of Honor at the upcoming fundraiser for the Naperville Township Democratic Organization to...

One Final Reminder

My dear Democratic friends, We are now at that crucial point in an election campaign: The Day Before! In order...

Sequester Cuts Begin to Hurt

The sequester was overblown, right?  The economy hasn’t imploded, so it must have all been a head fake. That’s the...

Bob Fine, Candidate for Naperville Township Trustee

The NTDO has offered candidates in the April 9 Municipal Elections an opportunity to address our readership.  This message comes from Bob Fine, candidate...