Dan Walker, Former Illinois Governor, Passes Away

You will have heard already about the passing, yesterday, of former Illinois Governor Dan Walker.  The Governor’s son, Dan Walker,...

“Class Warrior” Bruce Rauner

I really don’t want to be a class warrior, but what I continue to see going down is that rich...

Capitol Fax: Union-sponsored Poll Shows Support for Labor Agenda

Rich Miller (Capital Fax Blog) has been staying on top of our new Governor’s crusade to stomp on the middle...

Naperville City Council Tables Rauner Turnaround Plan Indefinitely

I wasn’t able to be there, but I looked up last night’s Naperville City Council meeting in the papers and...

Two Crucial Meetings This Week

Important notes from NTDO Chair Dianne McGuire, about Tuesday’s Naperville City Council meeting (7pm, Naperville Muni Center) and Thursday’s NTDO Community Forum (7:30pm,...

More Americans Have Health Coverage

Speaking of Obamacare, news was out last week about its continued success in reducing the number of Americans without access to...

Wildly Successful Government Program Still Unpopular Because … Well-Funded Lies

A determined and unscrupulous actor can, given enough funding, create a completely false impression in the public mind.  Despite the...