The Deeper Problem with Trump’s Self-Dealing Corruption

Not that Paul Krugman is the only place to go for this, but this recent Tweetstorm from him is a...

This is What Corruption Really Looks Like

It was obvious that Trump would exploit office for personal gain to an unprecedented degree. He has already started

“Team of Rivals” -> “Team of Racists”?

There’s so much happening so fast I can’t keep up.  Here’s some of what I’ve been reading the last few...

Not a President, an Autocrat

Trump is the first candidate in memory who ran not for president but for autocrat—and won. I think I am...

To Infrastruct or Not To Infrastruct?

I confess it occurred to me shortly after the horror of last Tuesday had begun to settle in that at...

This Is Not Normal and We Should Be Concerned

Click through from Dr Krugman’s Tweet to the article: “Major newspapers normalize Trump’s selection of white nationalist as chief strategist.“.  This...

First Target: Medicare

“Because of Obamacare, Medicare is going broke,” Ryan said. This is false. They’re moving fast to begin building their Randian...

Processing Tuesday’s Outcome

I’m still trying to process what it means that enough Americans were okay with what DJT showed us over the...

Bright Spots

I count my blessings every day that I am an American. And I still believe, as deeply as I ever...

John Lewis: Please Vote

Let us bend the arc of history toward justice once more. — The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) November 8, 2016 Thanks...