Election Commission Finds the Votes: Moon Khan on November Ballot After All
Following up on this piece from a few days ago, here’s Rich Miller at Capitol Fax (also from a few days ago):
They had one job and they didn’t do it right
Friday, Apr 22, 2016
* Remember Moon Khan? He’s the guy who ran as a write-in for DuPage County recorder, but was initially denied a victory after a bunch of votes weren’t counted. The DuPage Election Commission found 170 votes yesterday after a court-ordered recount, so he’ll be on the November ballot.
The Daily Herald is not amused…
The DuPage Election Commission needs to investigate its processes and training of judges further and make significant changes before it runs another Election Night debacle as it did on March 15. It’s already been criticized for its slowness in counting ballots, and now it’s clear that judges erred in several write-in contests. […]
An earlier vote recount resulted in two Republican precinct committeeman write-in candidates also being declared winners. […]
Couple these errors with the need to investigate new technology to help speed up counting, and it’s clear that the election commission needs to get to work to improve it’s one main job.
– Posted by Rich Miller
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