First Foster TV Ad: “Scientist”

This email arrived earlier today from Congressman Bill Foster:


Our first TV ad goes on the air today, and I wanted to make sure to share it with you as it hits the airwaves. You can click here to watch it.

Emphasizing my background as a scientist, the ad makes the serious points that Congress could use a little more fact-based debate, and that a rational analysis of our economy leads us to take actions such as lowering education costs and strengthening the middle class.  And that it is possible to put a television** (or our economy) back together so that it still works.

If you agree that this is the kind of leadership our country needs, please click here to help me return to Congress.

My opponent has spent her entire career supporting an extreme agenda, fighting to take away a woman’s right to choose, opposing common sense gun safety, opposing marriage equality, and pledging to support the far right wing of her party.

In 2010 – when I lost my seat in the Tea Party wave – we learned the hard way that having an extreme right wing opponent is no guarantee of safety in an off-year election in a far-suburban district.

Please help return a scientist and problem solver to Congress by clicking here.

Thank you so much for your support. I couldn’t do this without you.


P.S. There are just 11 days until the election. A contribution today will provide a great boost towards returning the last remaining physicist to Congress.

** Technical Footnote on taking apart TV Sets:  As a kid, one of my favorite TV modifications was to install a switch to reverse the polarity of the horizontal deflection coils.  This had the effect of flipping the image on the TV screen right-to-left, so that all of the words and text came out mirror-imaged.
You could then invite one of your friends over to watch the TV, and they would complain that all of the signs and text were backwards, and you would just look at them like they were nuts…