Inequality Matters, and Democrats Want to Address It
Here’s something from “Former Acting President” Martin Sheen on behalf of the Quinn campaign. He praises the Governor’s support of an increase in the minimum wage and recognizes its contribution to the effort to lift people into the Middle Class.
Needless to say, the same basic point about the importance of inequality and what kinds of things we can and should be doing about it could be made by most Democrats; for instance, here’s Congressman Bill Foster on the same subject.
Most D’s regard the strength of America’s Middle Class as a real and concerning issue; most R’s, when they’re not actively opposing attempts to address the problem, would rather we not talk about it at all
The Former Acting President requests your full attention for a very important message:
It’s time to raise the minimum wage, and there’s only one guy in this race who will do that — Governor Quinn.
Check it out and then share it:
The Governor knows that raising the minimum wage is good for Illinois families and Illinois’ economy — that’s why he wants to get it done this year.
No one who works full time should live in poverty.
If you agree, share this video with your friends and family:
com/former-acting-president Thanks.
Izabela Miltko
Deputy Press Secretary
Quinn for IllinoisP.S. Have friends who aren’t sure if they’re going to vote? Grab them for a walk and talk and make sure they understand just how important it is that we give Illinois workers a raise.