Rauner and the Sun-Times: What’s Happening Here?
What the heck is going on with this Sun-Times/McKinney story in the governor’s race? Here’s a summary from the Quinn campaign (received yesterday). I was particularly interested in the resignation letter from reporter Dave McKinney. Troubling.
The 411 on the McKinney Story
You probably saw:
Dave McKinney, the veteran reporter for the Sun Times, resigned yesterday in the wake of Bruce Rauner’s attempts to silence his reporting. Read his letter.
McKinney has been covering this race and broke the story about LeapSource, Bruce Rauner’s outsourcing company. As a reminder, this is a story about Bruce Rauner firing a CEO for not laying off enough people, and then threatening her and her family in an attempt to bully her into not suing for wrongful termination.
There’s more …
It turns out that Rauner tried to use his influence as a former part-owner of the Sun-Times to discredit McKinney and his wife in retaliation, and McKinney was taken off his beat, shortly after breaking this story.
Meanwhile, the Sun Times reversed it’s three-year policy of not endorsing political candidates and endorsed Bruce Rauner without ever interviewing Governor Quinn.
So …
Still wondering who the Real Bruce Rauner is?
Here are some of the people talking about this:
- http://talkingpointsmemo.com/
livewire/bruce-rauner-dave- mckinney-resignation-sun-times - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
2014/10/22/dave-mckinney-sun- times-bruce-rauner_n_6030194. html?ncid= fcbklnkushpmg00000013&ir= Politics - http://www.washingtonpost.com/
blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2014/10/ 23/the-monster-ethical-issue- behind-the-chicago-sun-times- resignation-story/ - http://www.nbcchicago.com/
news/politics/Sun-Times- Reporter-Resigns-Criticizes- Papers-Leadership-and-Bruce- Rauner-280116962.html Here are tweets from yesterday as the story broke:
- https://twitter.com/
davemckinney123/status/ 524992301441880064 - https://twitter.com/
chrislhayes/status/ 525001861758484480 - https://twitter.com/
cbschicago/status/ 525012735097323520 - https://twitter.com/
DanielStrauss4/status/ 525008286400401408 - https://twitter.com/
marwaeltagouri/status/ 525002566829367296 Share and tweet to make sure Illinois knows what’s at stake in this election.