Two Parties, but Only One if You Have a Mind and a Conscience

As Election Day grows ever closer, I hear rumblings that there are a few folks out there who are discontented and leaning towards “the other guys.”  Well, let’s just recall who the other guys are and what they are about.  It’s not as though we were picking between two equally sane and well-intentioned parties.

Here are a few pieces from this very blog from the last few years that illustrate the distance the GOP has put between itself and simple human decency.

  • They have given themselves over to the lunatic, often-racist Tea Party,
  • opposed in the most hyperbolic terms the inviting of more Americans under the umbrella of health care coverage,
  • filibustered the Unemployment Insurance that keeps families above water (just to pick one of their many targets),
  • refused to face the menace of climate change and stood squarely in the way of any and all attempts to do something about it,
  • kept their feet firmly on the economic brakes (with the “sequester” and other economic growth-impeding measures), costing jobs and hurting Americans in perhaps-irrecoverable ways.

And that’s just what’s on this page…

Would I appreciate it if the two parties were competing and arguing  honestly about ways to improve the lives of regular Americans?  Absolutely!  But that’s not the world we’re living in.

Fewer Americans Lack Health Insurance, Thanks to Obamacare

Fewer Americans Lack Health Insurance, Thanks to Obamacare

One of Obamacare’s main goals was to reduce the number of Americans without health insurance.  Proof continues to accumulate that it’s succeeding in that. I’m seeing the above graph everywhere lately; this copy comes from Professor Krugman, who also takes pleasure…

Obama EPA Releases New Climate Rules

Obama EPA Releases New Climate Rules

Of course Republicans are attacking the new climate rules.  This GOP believes that if Obama says it, they are obliged to be against it.  Remember, these are the same people who have spent the last 5 years insisting that health care…

GOP’s Health Care Opposition Costs Real Lives

GOP’s Health Care Opposition Costs Real Lives

Here’s a story from last week in Florida about the real cost – in lives – of the GOP’s insane opposition to Americans’ obtaining health care.  Some five million Americans – almost one million in Florida alone – who would…

More GOP Blackmail to Try To Prevent Americans from Getting Health Care

More GOP Blackmail to Try To Prevent Americans from Getting Health Care

Sahil Kapur reports at TPM today: GOP’s New Plan: Pay Cuts For Doctors If Obamacare Isn’t Chopped House Republicans have a bold new strategy to attack Obamacare, which involves huge pay cuts for physicians unless Democrats agree to delay the…

Affordable Care Act Gives Workers Freedom; Republicans Enraged

Affordable Care Act Gives Workers Freedom; Republicans Enraged

Paul Waldman captures it succinctly: “Some Americans will leave the labor force when they can do so and still have health insurance. And it’s a good thing.” Look, the Republicans hate Obamacare.  I get that.  I don’t understand how you…

Unemployment Insurance: GOP Filibusters the Unemployed

Unemployment Insurance: GOP Filibusters the Unemployed

Well, the question never even made it to the House.  It appears to have died in the Senate at the hands of the obstructionist GOP. Illinois Senator Mark Kirk went along with his GOP colleagues earlier this week in filibustering…

Obamacare Subsidies Mean Big Savings for Americans

Obamacare Subsidies Mean Big Savings for Americans

As we approach the next rollout milestone for Obamacare this fall, the GOP is becoming more and more desperate to undermine it.  You must be getting tired of reading stories about their Chicken-Little-ing over every small hiccup and their cynical efforts to…

Monstrous GOP, Part the 3,216th

Monstrous GOP, Part the 3,216th

I continue to be at a loss as to how any decent person, with even the slightest bit of concern for his or her fellow human beings, can choose to align with today’s GOP.  Just in the last few months…



And there are many more illustrations of the depravity of the GOP as a party.  I’ve documented a few but there are so very many other ways in which the GOP has demonstrated its fundamental unfitness to be in charge.

Why would a decent person choose to align with and support this malice?