Today in TrumpLand: Voter Suppression, Environmental Degradation, Social Insecurity

I made this mistake of glancing at the paper (Washington Post) this morning and was greeted by the following discouraging...

Imaginary Voter Fraud, Investigated

His ego is bruised because he lost the popular vote, so now we’re going to go all-in investigating imaginary fraud. It...

What’s Really Rigged: Voter Suppression Measures

In contrast to DJT’s made-up, fever swamp allegations that the upcoming election will be “rigged” against him, there has been something...

Readings: Climate Change, Voting Rights, What Obama Said, Derp, Rauner, etc

More valuable readings from recent days… Climate change is real and it’s our doing.  Scientists Drop Science Bomb on Climate...

Elizabeth Drew: Why the Republicans Won

Powerful – and frightening – piece from Elizabeth Drew in the NYRB.  She enumerates some problems we all knew about...