Wonkbook: The GOP’s Dangerous Obamacare Strategy

Wonkblog describes the Republican strategy on Obamacare (emphasis added): Republicans who’re unable to repeal it also refuse to permit any tweaks...

ObamaCare Exchanges Already Lowering Health Care Premiums

…from Ezra Klein’s Wonkblog this morning: Wonkbook: Some very good news for Obamacare Obamacare got some very good news on...

Fed Chair Bernanke: Congress, Get Your Foot Off The Brake!

The evidence is piling up more and more deeply that austerity (i.e., cutting spending) is the wrong policy for the...

Reich: The Hollowing-Out of Government

Thanks to my friend Bob Rohr for pointing out this great piece by Robert Reich.  Reich documents how the GOP...

Health Care Inflation Receding; Conservatives Flummoxed

Nice data-driven, semi-scornful piece today from Jonathan Chait on the right’s scurrying reaction to the recent slowdown in healthcare costs....

Top 10 Reasons Why We Are Democrats

Marina Reznitskaya and Ramin Mikaili recently spoke at our monthly NTDO meeting about immigrating to the United States and they ended their...

Intellectual Floor Falls Out From Under GOP on Austerity, Opposition to ObamaCare

Solid analysis today from Jonathan Chait.  The stubborn facts about austerity and about ObamaCare’s effect on health care cost inflation...

NTDO Monthly Social Dinner – Rito’s

Come join friends and like-minded progressives on the first Thursday of each month for an evening of good food and...

National Debt: A Short History (Spoiler: GOP created it to force cuts in social programs)

Professor Krugman, in knocking down some common excuses for not providing the fiscal boost our economy should be getting right...

A Note from the NTDO Chairwoman!

A Note from the NTDO Chairwoman!

First of all, our annual fundraiser at the Black Finn on Thursday, April 25th, could not have gone better!  Fabulous...